Common Trademark Law Rights and Why They Are Important
What Is A Trademark? A trademark is a phrase, word, or symbol that is owned by the original creators. That makes it illegal to be replicated or used by other people and brands. An example of a trademark is Adidas. The Adidas logo is only on products created under that company alone. It’s an important part of their brand and easily recognizable. Other companies and brands are at risk of being sued if it is found that they have illegally used the logo. Color schemes, packaging, and the use of characters are also considered trademarks. Trademarks are governed by federal and state laws so repercussions like trademark lawsuits for breaking such laws are absolute. In the event of a lawsuit, you will need a lawyer, but before we get into the importance of legal protection, let’s first investigate how trademarks are formed. How Trademarks Are Determined Trademarks go through a series of reviews that determine which category it falls into. There are 4 different types of trademarks such a...